Sexual Offenders

The High Springs Police Department takes Sexual Predator and Offender notification and follow-up seriously. If a Predator or Offender moves into the City of High Springs, they will be immediately contacted by a Supervisor of the High Springs Police Department. A Supervisor or Officer will check on Sexual Predators every 30 days and Sexual Offenders every 90 days to verify their address information and to ensure they are complying with their requirements. A Supervisor maintains continual contact with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to update our records management system with address changes, as well as to add information regarding new Predators and Offenders who move into the City of High Springs.

To view further information regarding Predators or Offenders in our City, please click on the: Florida Department of Law Enforcement Sexual Predator and Offender Database.

A Neighborhood Search allows users to enter any address in Florida and search the Florida Sexual Offender/Predator Registry for any registered sexual offender or predator living within a 1 to 5-mile radius of the address entered by the user. You can also open a map of the search results by clicking the “Display Results in Map” link. Click the link to access: Neighborhood Search.

In April 2008, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and local Law Enforcement partners unveiled an exciting new addition to the State’s Sexual Offender and Predator Website; The Florida Offender Alert System. The system allows you to sign up to receive e-mail alert notifications when a registered Sexual Predator or Offender moves to your neighborhood or within a radius of any other designated address. FDLE encourages you to register your home address, as well as locations such as your child’s school, your workplace, and any locations that you and your family frequent. You can also opt to track address changes reported by specific registered Sexual Predators or Offenders.

You can monitor an unlimited number of addresses or Sexual Predators or offenders. There is no charge.

Please take a moment now to sign up at And please pass this E-mail on to friends and family and encourage them to take advantage of this valuable Community safety service.

If you are aware of a Sexual Predator or Offender that is residing within the City of High Springs but has not registered their new address, or if you have knowledge of a Sexual Predator or Offender that has moved out of High Springs without notifying the Department, please contact Sergeant Dustyn Shenk immediately at (386) 454-1415 or by E-mail dshenk [at]

A Supervisor will conduct an immediate follow-up investigation to locate and/or file criminal charges against the person.

Anyone giving the Department information will remain anonymous.