Securing Your Home, Business & Vehicle

The term “target hardening” refers to the strengthening of the security of a building or vehicle to prevent unauthorized entry and reduce the risk of theft.

Making your home and business safe from crime starts with properly locked doors and windows, proper home security lighting, maintained landscaping, and practicing home security tips.

Closing curtains and blinds during evening hours target harden your home by making it more difficult for criminals to see your belongings, like flat-screen TVs and artwork.

Sliding glass doors should have either a lock-pin system, rod, and/or “Charley Bar” placed in the track to prevent entry.

Install additional locks on windows and sliding glass doors besides the factory-installed locks. This can be as simple as using a pin system, so the window cannot be opened unless the pin is removed from the inside.

Target harden your vehicles by locking the doors, not leaving any valuables in plain view, and/or removing all valuables entirely. When it comes to your vehicle, be sure not to leave purses, wallets, computers, cell phones, money, change, sunglasses, book bags, garage door openers, etc., in your vehicle.